I have always loved the art of reading and writing.

When I was asked what I wanted to be when I was growing up, my instant reply was '“an author”. My mum says that as a child, I always wanted to have books read to me, until I was old enough to read them myself. From that point onwards, I always had my head in the pages of a book, imagining I was off adventuring in distant faraway lands, or casting spells and duelling with wizards, or exploring the magical woodlands as a fairy. Going to the library each week with my nan was my favourite part of the summer holidays. I completed every summer reading challenge I could and always walked home with a stack of books in my arms. I loved to write stories and create new worlds like the ones I read about.

Now I am 23 and not much has really changed. I still am infatuated with reading and writing, although my taste in books has developed somewhat - saying this, I have been known to reread some iconic favourites from my teenage years (ahem, Twilight). If anything, my passion for the literary world has grown, but I have found it hard as I have gotten older to keep up with being an adult and pursuing my dream of being a writer, and so as a result this blog was created. It is an outpouring of my love for literature, writing and words in their simplest form. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and observations, and if you’d like to share yours with me, I’d love to hear them.


Read my introductory post here.