
  • A letter to the moon

    you are the one i talk to

    at 3am when chasing sleep

    but unable to escape my dreams

    your stars are friends to me

    they are the freckles of the sky’s face

    when my light is gone, they shine in its place

    i know you and the sun aren’t seeing eye to eye right now

    but you both know better

    than to let your distance get to you

    i hope you make up soon

    time is slipping away from us in this world

    and you have loved each other for 5 billion years after all

    your beauty gives me comfort and peace

    my appreciation for you is never-ending

    thank you for talking to me again

  • Evening

    speckled sunlight dips beneath the trees

    pools of beams touching the cool damp ground

    they are the earth’s freckles in its shady woodland face

    the leaves are dancing and singing around forgotten tree stumps

    climbing the winds and falling again and again

    their crumpled masses become a hedgehog’s cosy home instead

    in the distance a steam is flowing away

    trickling around rocks and slipping past its overgrown grassy banks

    it is in a hurry and quickens its pace towards the sun

    and here i lay

    quiet as a sleeping bird

    in amongst the tangled underbrush


  • les plaisirs de la terre

    we are specks of dust

    waiting for earth’s pleasures

    to hold us in their arms

    and to feel their embrace

    the first taste of cherry ice cream on a sun-soaked afternoon

    the crash of the waves as the sand engulfs your toes

    the rustling trees and the night-time breeze

    the white frost

    that perfect photograph sur le pont de l'amour à Paris

    où tu m'as embrassé pour la première fois

    reminds me that i am alive

    i think we have a lot to live for

  • Sea poem

    Honey coloured fins mechanically motion back and forth

    His circular swims for the eyes of onlookers

    Gasps and exclaims of wonder are muted (he does not have ears anyway)

    Their tiny pudgy hands marking the glass

    Intricate lines of fingerprints mark his home

    He does not understand why he is here

    With artificial coral and seaweeds that he does not recognise

    Little does he know that some are doing our best to conserve what is left

    The others left behind gone

    Oil bubbles pooling from their mouths as they drown in the sticky black spill

    How can a fish drown in their own home

    How can I tell my children’s children that the ocean was not always decaying and now deceased

    Should I question my children’s very existence

    To bring them onto an Earth where the humans in it cannot see what is being lost right before them

    Keep looking at that fish in the aquarium tank that you paid to see

    Forget about those in our oceans that we have in the palm of our hands